Monday, January 4, 2010

The Florida Gang quick update

GOODBYE 2009 !!!

Wow. What a year for challenges. Hopefully 2010 will be a better one. But, despite the challenges and downfalls, we are all still alive and have not starved.

We were blessed with a part time job for Deidre. She is working with a company that does construction and commercial bonds. We would rather just have MOM as her only title, but for now it has been a huge blessing for her to have a job. She contributes to the PTA newsletter each month and keeps the family calendar.

Jessica is a senior this year. She has been accepted to Emory College in Atlanta. Now she is figuring out how to pay for it. Maybe I will win the lottery before May. She has been a great student and has an outstanding GPA just like her dad in high school. So scholarships, hopefully, will be coming her way. She is a busy bee and always doing something for school or dance team.

Alysha is 15 now and just got her learner permit for driving today. Look out! Get of the sidewalks and streets! She is a freshman and is learning the ropes at her high school. She is on the main dance team already and enjoyed all the fun at the football games. We are trying to save enough money to send her to D.C. for a parade march with her team.. That would be fun!

Slade is always looking for a sport to play. Our front lawn is almost completely worn out from all of the football games he plays with me and Apolo. He is a natural and we look forward to watching him in a bowl game someday.

Apolo is our showboat. He does not like to be outdone in anything. So watch for future videos of our family entertainer. He plays piano, football, basketball, dances, and tell some wild stories (i wonder who he gets that from?)

Christmas as pretty cool this year. Santa dropped of a ping pong / pool table. Slade literally almost passed out from amazement. So we are all practicing to beat Grandpa Gary. We also enjoyed a trip to see ICE. It was 9 degrees in a tent in Florida. Now thats a great Air Conditioner!

Ok. next update will include a trip to the Dolphin, pinewood derby, and manatees!


  1. Wow, I was so surprised to see your blog addition, Scott.....and so HAPPY. It was so fun to see pictures of your kids...what is with the blue outfits? And I don't feel sorry for your freezing? hands scraping off the windshield. It was -1F here and I had to be to work by 8 am. That is burrrrry! lol

  2. The ICE attraction provides the blue jackets -- no one in florida has jackets that can keep you warm at 9F. So they provide the jackets.
